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Monmouthshire, Wales : Classification : Banns

Banns were the public announcement, especially in a church, of an intended marriage. In many churches, banns were read aloud on three successive Sundays.

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Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Census, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:BATSTONE One Name Study
Description:BATSTONE One Name Study
Classification:GRO BMD, Banns, Marriages
Title:British Nationals Armed Forces Banns and Marriages
Link:Search British Nationals Armed Forces Banns and Marriages
Description:Search British Nationals Armed Forces Banns and Marriages
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Births, Bishops Transcripts, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, Obituaries, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:CHITTENDEN One Name Study
Description:CHITTENDEN One Name Study
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Marriages, Parish Records
Title:Greg Price's Website
Description:Greg Price's Website
Extra Info:Greg Price's Website - Includes Cwmyoy Parish Record Extracts.
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:PRATLEY One Name Study
Description:PRATLEY One Name Study
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:ROWLAND Family of Monmouthshire
Description:ROWLAND Family of Monmouthshire
Extra Info:This is an archived copy of the site. Most information is available. Click on Files for Parish Records.

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