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Wiltshire, England : Classification : Census

Census records allow you to view other family members who were present on the day of the census, typically these will be siblings or parents.

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Title:1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 & 1911 Census On-Line.
Link:1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 & 1911 Census On-Line.
Description:UK Census collection for England, Wales, Scotland & the Channel Islands for 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911
Extra Info:Including 1939 registers.
Classification:Census, National
Title:1939 Register from Find My Past
Link:1939 Register from Find My Past
Description:41 million lives recorded in one day at the outbreak of World War II
Extra Info:Records of people younger than 100 and still alive, or who died after 1991 are officially closed.
Classification:Census, National
Title:Find My Past's England and Wales Census Land and Survey Records
Link:Find My Past's England and Wales Census Land and Survey Records
Description:Find My Past's England and Wales Census Land and Survey Records
Extra Info:Censuses for 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911, 1921 and various others.
Classification:Census, National
Title:Genes Reunited's Censuses
Link:Genes Reunited's  Censuses
Description:Censuses for 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1891, 1901 and 1911
Title:The Genealogist's County Census page.
Link:The Genealogist's County Census page.
Description:Census Data for 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911 and 1939 Register
Title:1921 Census substitute from The Genealogist.
Description:These records form part of the Trade, Residential & Telephone record sets on The Genealogist, covering a period currently not served by a census.
Extra Info:More counties will be added in the coming months.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Parish Records
Title:A Romany Gypsy & Traveller Heritage Project
Description:Romani Parish and Census records
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, DNA Project, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:AUDLEY Family History
Description:AUDLEY Family History
Extra Info:Research for the name AUDLEY and variants such as AIDLEY.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:BANDY Family Genealogy
Description:BANDY Family Genealogy
Extra Info:Click on Site Map to see a contents list of the site.
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Census, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:BATSTONE One Name Study
Description:BATSTONE One Name Study
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:BAUGHEN One Name Study
Description:BAUGHEN One Name Study
Extra Info:Includes Baughan, Baugham, Baughn, Bauffin, Baffin, Boffin, DeBaughn and DeBaughan.
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:BLANCHARD Family History
Description:BLANCHARD Family History
Extra Info:Includes BLANCHARD entries in birth, marriage and death indexes around London and Kent.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:BOYD Family and Information Centre
Description:BOYD Family and Information Centre
Extra Info:This is an archived copy of the website. Most features appear to work. There may be some delay in loading.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:BREW One Name Study
Description:BREW One Name Study
Classification:Census, National
Title:British Surnames
Description:Research the origins and distribution of your surname
Extra Info:Information on similar surnames, most common surnames, surname distribution maps as well as surname meanings and etymologies.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:Burbage Village History
Description:Burbage Village History
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is no longer active, however most information still seems to be available. May be slow to load. Click on Family History Burbage for information.
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Births, Bishops Transcripts, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, Obituaries, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:CHITTENDEN One Name Study
Description:CHITTENDEN One Name Study
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:CLUETT / CLEWETT Records and One Name Study
Description:CLUETT / CLEWETT Records and One Name Study
Extra Info:Part way down the home page is the Search link.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:COMLEY One Name Study
Description:COMLEY One Name Study
Extra Info:Includes COMLEY, COMELEY, COMELY, COMLY, COMBLY variants
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:DACKOMBE / DACOMBE Family History
Description:DACKOMBE / DACOMBE Family History
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:DALTON Data Bank and One Name Study
Description:DALTON Data Bank and One Name Study
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Census, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:DAVIES Family
Description:DAVIES Family in Wiltshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:DIBDEN One Name Study
Description:DIBDEN One Name Study, Including Variants
Extra Info:Many references to the DIBDEN name.
Title:Domesday Book - Online and Free
Description:Domesday Book - Online and Free
Extra Info:The "original" census. Lists of names, places and other Domesday facts and maps. Domesday data created by Professor J.J.N. Palmer, University of Hull.
Classification:GRO BMD, Census, Parish Records, Pedigrees, Visitations
Title:England Data from Ancestry
Link:England Data from Ancestry
Description:England Data Collection from Ancestry
Extra Info:Includes 1861-1901 Censuses; 1837-2005 GRO BMD; visitations and other records.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Parish Records
Title:Family Search Records Collection - Worldwide
Link:Family Search Records Collection - Worldwide
Description:Family Search Records Collection - Worldwide
Extra Info: Includes the England and Wales 1841 & 1861 Census, and foreign records, such as the American census that contains Britons who were aboard.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:FOSKETT One Name Study
Description:FOSKETT One Name Study
Extra Info:Click on records for many FOSKETTs.
Classification:Census, National
Title:FreeCen Project
Link:FreeCen Project
Description:FreeCen Project
Extra Info:A 'free-to-view' online searchable database of the 19th century UK census returns.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:GINGELL One Name Study
Description:GINGELL One Name Study
Extra Info:A growing resiurce for the GINFELL one name study.
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Obituaries, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:GOODERSON Family History
Description:GOODERSON Family History and One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:GUMBLETON One Name Study and Family History
Description:GUMBLETON One Name Study and Family History
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:HALE Family History
Description:HALE Family History - in the West of England and South Wales
Extra Info:Click on 'much more' for monumental inscriptions and more.
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Obituaries, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:HICKMORE Archive
Description:HICKMORE Archive
Classification:Census, Wills / Probate
Title:History of Some areas of Somerset, Dorset and Wiltshire
Description:History of Some areas of Somerset, Dorset and Wiltshire
Extra Info:History of Charmouth, Freshford, Bradford on Avon, Bath, Limpley Stoke and Hinton Charterhouse. Provides a wide collection of documents and articles including census listings and wills.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials
Title:HOLLEBONE Family Website
Description:HOLLEBONE Family Website and One Name Study
Extra Info:Also Hollebon, Hollibone, Hollibone, Hollobon , Hollobone, Hollybon and Hollybone.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:HOLLINGWORTH One Name Study
Description:HOLLINGWORTH One Name Study
Extra Info:An archived copy of the site -most information still seems to be available. HOLLINGWORTH and variations.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:HUTCHINGS Family Website
Description:HUTCHINGS Family Website
Extra Info:Mainly HUTCHINGS in and around Sturminster Newton, Dorset, although transcriptions of all areas for census.
Classification:Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages
Title:Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain
Description:Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain
Extra Info:Searchable database and also records/files to download.Click on JCR-UK.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is not active at present. Most information still seems to be available. Mainly in Oxfordshire. Also census for other towns in Buckinghamshire - all surnames.
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, Obituaries, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:LONGMORE Genealogy Resources
Description:LONGMORE Genealogy Resources
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is no longer active. Most information seems to be available, however it is slow to load.
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:LUCEY / LUCY Family History Records
Description:The site for everyone interested in researching the LUCEY and LUCY surname and their family history
Extra Info:Researching the surnames LUCEY & LUCY. From early sources in England & Ireland, some back as far as 1066.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Census, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:LUCY and LUCEY Genealogy
Description:LUCY and LUCEY Genealogy
Extra Info:LUCY and LUCEY's on the 1881 census, many births and marriages and more.
Title:Miscellaneous Records
Description:Miscellaneous Records
Extra Info:Includes Wessex (Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire, Hampshire and Isle of Wight) strays in the census for the channel islands.
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:MUDDOCK One Name Study
Description:MUDDOCK One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:NETHERWOOD One Name Study
Description:NETHERWOOD One Name Study
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is no longer active. Most information is still available to view. Click on resources.
Title:Parliamentary Archives
Description:Historic documents (including photographs and illustrations) from the UK Parliament
Extra Info:Includes Protestations Returns, the closest thing we have to a census for 1642. The Returns list the adult men residing in a parish.
Classification:GRO BMD, Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, National
Title:People Finder from
Link:People Finder from
Description:1861 Census, GRO BMD index 1837-2004, Electoral Rolls & Business Directories.
Classification:Census, One Name Study, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:PLUCK and PLUCKROSE One Name Study
Description:PLUCK and PLUCKROSE One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:POULTON Web - Also MELLOR, WHITE, TWEED and Associated Families
Description:POULTON Web - Also MELLOR, WHITE, TWEED and Associated Families
Extra Info:Many names and places included on this site. The name index also indicates records for that name.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:POWIS Surname and variants One-name Study
Description:POWIS Surname and variants One-name Study
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:PRATLEY One Name Study
Description:PRATLEY One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:PREECE One Name Study
Description:PREECE One Name Study
Extra Info:Mainly around Hereford, Worcester, Gloucester and Somerset areas
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages
Title:Romany & Traveller Family History Society
Description:Romany & Traveller Family History Society | Research your roots and learn about your heritage.
Classification:Baptisms, Census, Deaths, Marriages
Title:Romany Genes Website
Description:Romany Genes Website
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is no longer active. Most information is still available to view.
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:RUSCOE Surname Website
Description:RUSCOE Family Genealogy
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:SACKETT Family Association
Description:SACKETT Family Association
Extra Info:Click on Research Databases for transcriptions.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Description:A Compilation of SERCOMBE Families
Extra Info:Scroll down to sources of information.
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:SHERWOOD One Name Study Group
Description:SHERWOOD One Name Study Group
Extra Info:Some partial extracts of bmd's, wills and more.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Parish Records
Title:Stephen Bashford's Family History Website
Description:Stephen Bashford's Family History Website
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:STERRY One Name Study
Description:STERRY One Name Study
Extra Info:Includes extracts from civil registration, parish records and marriage licences.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials
Title:STONER Genealogical Databases
Description:STONER Genealogical Databases
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages
Title:Stourton, Kilmington and Mere Genealogies
Description:Stourton, Kilmington and Mere Genealogies
Extra Info:Part of a PhD project compiling pedigrees of all people who were married in the Wiltshire parishes of Stourton and Kilmington in the period 1754-1914, and certain linked families in the nearby market town of Mere.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:STRANGE, STRAINGE and Variants One Name Study
Description:STRANGE and STRAINGE Family History
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:STRUDWICK One Name Study
Description:STRUDWICK One Name Study
Classification:Census, One Place Study
Title:Sturminster Newton
Description:Sturminster Newton Censuses for 1841 (partial), 1851 and 1861
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:The Genealogy of the Cotswolds and Surrounds
Description:The Genealogy of the Cotswolds and Surrounds
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is no longer active. Most of the information still seems to be avaialble to view, but not the church photographs. Go to the parish pages for transcription.
Classification:Census, Wills / Probate
Title:Victoria County History - Explore England's Past
Description:Victoria County History - Explore England's Past
Extra Info:This site provides free access to local history materials. Some census and probate / wills have been transcribed.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, Parish Records
Title:Villages in the South Cotswolds
Description:Villages in the South Cotswolds on the Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Borders
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials
Title:West Grimstead History and Genealogy
Description:West Grimstead History and Genealogy
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:WESTAWAY One Name Study
Description:WESTAWAY One Name Study
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is no longer active. Most information is still available to view.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, Obituaries, On-line Parish Clerks, Parish Records
Title:Wiltshire Online Parish Clerk
Description:Wiltshire Online Parish Clerk
Extra Info:You will need to create a login in order to use the site. As well as the parishes, check out the photo galleries.
Title:Workhouse Website
Description:A Site Dedicated to the Workhouse includes Census Records
Extra Info:The search facility is a useful starting place when trying to locate missing ancestors.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:YEO One Name Study
Description:YEO One Name Study
Classification:Census, General, Wills / Probate
Title:GENUKI County Page for Wiltshire
Description:General Information for Wiltshire

If you know of any web sites for BMD data not listed here, please let us know via the Contact Us page.

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