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Perthshire, Scotland : Classification : Marriages

Marriage records provide details of both partners and often lists their ages. The witnesses named on the marriage entry are often relatives. Civil registration records have a consistent amount of detail, but earlier parish records can vary in their content.

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Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:ADDYMAN One Name Study
Description:ADDYMAN One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:ATHERTON One Name Study
Description:ATHERTON One Name Study
Extra Info:Mainly around Lancashire and Cheshire, but a worldwide one name study.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Pedigrees
Title:BAILIE - A history and Genealogy of the Family of BAILIE, Northern Ireland and Scotland
Description:BAILIE - A history and Genealogy of the Family of BAILIE, Northern Ireland and Scotland
Extra Info:Including the parish of Duneane, Northern Ireland and Burony, Dunain, Scotland. Includes several pedigrees for the family.
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:BAIRD's of Scotland
Description:BAIRD's of Scotland
Extra Info:This is an archived copy of a site that is no longer seems to be active. Most information still seems to be accessible.
Classification:Baptisms, Burial Plots, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:BLAIR Genealogy and Searchable Database
Description:BLAIR Genealogy and Searchable Database
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:BOYD Family and Information Centre
Description:BOYD Family and Information Centre
Extra Info:This is an archived copy of the website. Most features appear to work. There may be some delay in loading.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:BREW One Name Study
Description:BREW One Name Study
Classification:GRO BMD, Banns, Marriages
Title:British Nationals Armed Forces Banns and Marriages
Link:Search British Nationals Armed Forces Banns and Marriages
Description:Search British Nationals Armed Forces Banns and Marriages
Classification:Births, Deaths, General, Marriages, Obituaries, National
Title:British Newspaper Archive
Description:Explore over 200 years of history - British Newspaper Archive
Extra Info:Access also available via selected subscriptions to Find My Past and Genes Reunited
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:CREE One Name Study
Description:CREE One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:DALTON Data Bank and One Name Study
Description:DALTON Data Bank and One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:DUN and DUNN Families of Scotland
Description:DUN and DUNN Families of Scotland
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Marriages, Parish Records
Title:Family Search Records Collection
Link:Family Search Records Collection
Description:Family Search Records Collection - Scottish Data
Extra Info:Check the coverage for areas covered so far.
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, Obituaries, War Memorials & Other Memorials
Title:Free Scottish family tree inscriptions and links from HappyHaggis.
Description:HappyHaggis is a website that concentrates on just Scotland
Extra Info: Details many birth, marriage and death notices from newspapers 1844-1854
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:GINGELL One Name Study
Description:GINGELL One Name Study
Extra Info:A growing resiurce for the GINFELL one name study.
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:HALSTED One Name Study
Description:HALSTED One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, Parish Records
Title:Internet Archive
Description:Internet Archive
Extra Info:Has many scanned books, including some parish registers. Click on texts and then search the archive. Note baptism and baptisms give different results.
Classification:Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages
Title:Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain
Description:Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain
Extra Info:Searchable database and also records/files to download.Click on JCR-UK.
Classification:Marriages, One Name Study
Title:KENNEDY One Name Study
Description:KENNEDY One Name Study
Extra Info:Online searchable marriage index.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Deaths, Marriages
Title:Malta Family History
Description:Malta Family History
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is no longer active. The indexes still seems to be available. British men and women who were born, married or died in Malta.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:MILLIKEN, MILLIGAN and Related Surnames
Description:MILLIKEN, MILLIGAN and Related Surnames Genealogical Research
Extra Info:Surnames of Millican, Milligan, Millikan, Milliken, Millikin, Mulliken, Mullikin, and Mulligan etc.
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, Wills / Probate
Title:National Archives - Digital Microfilms Online
Description:National Archives - Digital Microfilms Online
Extra Info:Please read the instructions and information before downloading. Includes seaman's wills and some foreign returns of births, marriages and deaths.
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, Obituaries
Title:Newspaper Index Cards for Perth
Link:Perth, Newspaper Index Cards
Description:Perth, Newspaper Index Cards, 1809-1990
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Marriages, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:Open Library
Description:Open Library - Scanned Books Online
Extra Info:Includes full images of many books of transcribed parish registers. Use the search facility and select e books only. Can also search within book text easily.
Classification:GRO BMD, Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, National
Title:People Finder from
Link:People Finder from
Description:1861 Census, GRO BMD index 1837-2004, Electoral Rolls & Business Directories.
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study
Title:PINCKNEY - The site for all UK PINCKNEYs
Description:PINCKNEY - The site for all UK PINCKNEYs and Variants
Extra Info:Includes references to Pinckey, Pinckine, Pinckney, Pincknye, Pincney, Pinkene, Pinken, Pinkeny, Pinkine, Pinkney.
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:PRATLEY One Name Study
Description:PRATLEY One Name Study
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:SANDCASTER Family Database
Description:SANDCASTER Family Database
Classification:GRO BMD, Banns, Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Certificate Exchange, Deaths, Marriages
Title:Scotland BDM Exchange
Description:Scotland BDM Exchange - Births, Deaths, Marriages, Baptisms, Burials, Banns
Extra Info:Easy to search.
Classification:GRO BMD, Banns, Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, National, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:Scotland's People
Link:Scotland's People
Description:Scotland's People
Extra Info:Official Government Source of genealogical data for Scotland.
Classification:Births, Burials / Cremations, Deaths, Marriages
Title:Scots in Argentina
Description:Scots in Argentina 1800-1932, Including the Argentine and Chilean Patagonia
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is no longer live. Most information still seems to be available.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Marriages, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:Scottish Genealogy Databases
Description:Scottish Genealogy Databases
Extra Info:The site is no longer running but is archived. Also includes surname specific databases. If the site doesn't load clicking on the word impatient often works.
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Parish Records
Title:Scottish Indexes - Helping you trace your Scottish family tree
Description:Non-OPR Births/Baptisms, Banns/Marriages and Deaths/Burials, 1841, 1851, 1861 Census Indexes
Extra Info:Full details of the coverage can be found on their Record Sets page.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:SWANTON Family Records
Description:SWANTON Family Records
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, Obituaries
Title:The Honourable East India Company
Description:Finding East India Company Ancestors
Extra Info:This is a copy of a site that is no longer active. May take a few moments to load, but most information still seems to be available. Collected from various publications.
Title:The Ships List Website
Description:The Ships List Website
Extra Info:Also includes some marriages at sea.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials
Title:WANLESS Web - A One Name Study
Description:WANLESS Web - A One Name Study of the surnames surnames Wanless, Wandless, Wanlass, Wandlass, Wanliss, and Wanlace

If you know of any web sites for BMD data not listed here, please let us know via the Contact Us page.

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