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Suffolk, England : Classification : One Name Study

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Many people have an interest in specific surnames. The list below shows links to web sites related to one-name studies where the researcher has published their work for others to view.

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Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:ADDYMAN One Name Study
Description:ADDYMAN One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:ATHERTON One Name Study
Description:ATHERTON One Name Study
Extra Info:Mainly around Lancashire and Cheshire, but a worldwide one name study.
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:BAALHAM Resource Centre
Description:BAALHAM Resource Centre and One Name Study
Extra Info:Mainly around Suffolk.
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, War Memorials & Other Memorials
Title:BALDRY One Name Study
Description:BALDRY One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Description:BALHAM/BALAAM Family from Stowmarket, Suffolk
Classification:One Name Study
Title:BARTOW Genealogy
Description:BARTOW Genealogy
Extra Info:Online book. Covers the BARTOW/BARTO Family. Mainly descendants of Dr Thomas Bartow who was living in Crediton, Devon in 1672. Family in England and America. Inndex at end of book.
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Census, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:BATSTONE One Name Study
Description:BATSTONE One Name Study
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:BAUGHEN One Name Study
Description:BAUGHEN One Name Study
Extra Info:Includes Baughan, Baugham, Baughn, Bauffin, Baffin, Boffin, DeBaughn and DeBaughan.
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:BENDING Family History
Description:BENDING Family History
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:BEVERTON One Name Study
Description:BEVERTON One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:BLOYCE Family of Great Bromley
Description:BLOYCE Family of Great Bromley
Classification:Burials / Cremations, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:BOLSTRIDGE One Name Study
Description:BOLSTRIDGE One Name Study
Extra Info:Use sources to search for types of information such as burials.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:BREW One Name Study
Description:BREW One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Description:BROKET, BROCKET, BROCKETT and Variants Online Data
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is no longer live. Most information still seems to be viewable. Some of the information is hidden several pages below the main page. Using thesite map may be the easier. The search feature no longer works.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials
Title:CAVILL Family History
Description:CAVILL Family History
Extra Info:An archived copy of the site. Most information still seems to be available. May take a few moments to load.
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Births, Bishops Transcripts, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, Obituaries, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:CHITTENDEN One Name Study
Description:CHITTENDEN One Name Study
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:CLUETT / CLEWETT Records and One Name Study
Description:CLUETT / CLEWETT Records and One Name Study
Extra Info:Part way down the home page is the Search link.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:COLDWELL and COULDWELL One Name Study
Description:COLDWELL and COULDWELL One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Marriages, One Name Study, War Memorials & Other Memorials
Title:COLLETT Family History
Description:COLLETT Family History
Classification:Baptisms, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:COMBS and COOMBS Family One Name Study
Description:COMBS and COOMBS Family One Name Study
Extra Info:Click on Records.
Classification:Births, Deaths, One Name Study
Title:CORNISH One Name Study
Description:CORNISH One Name Study
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is not active at the moment. the birth and death indexes are still available to voew.
Classification:Baptisms, Census, Marriages, One Name Study
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, Obituaries, One Name Study
Title:CRABB(E) Birth, Marriage and Death Registrations
Description:CRABB(E) Birth, Marriage and Death Registrations - One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:CRIBB Family Name
Description:CRIBB Family Name Birth, Marriage and Death and Burial Records
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is no longer active. Most data still seems to be available.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:DADE Family Records
Link:Dade Family Records
Description:DADE Family Records from Suffolk
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:DALTON Data Bank and One Name Study
Description:DALTON Data Bank and One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Census, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:DARKINS Family
Description:DARKINS Family of the Norfolk / Suffolk Borders
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:DEBENHAM Family History
Description:DEBENHAM Family History
Extra Info:DEBENHAM and DEBNAM family history.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:DOBBINS Family Tree
Description:DOBBINS Family Tree
Extra Info:Click on Documents for an index of names.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:DYSON Family of Worcestershire
Description:DYSON Family of Worcestershire
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:Essex and Suffolk Surnames
Description:Essex and Suffolk Surnames
Extra Info:Look under Parish Records and Documents.
Classification:One Name Study
Title:Fiske and Fisk family
Description:Fiske and Fisk family in Suffolk, England and then America
Extra Info:Online Book, published 1896. Fiske and Fisk family : being the record of the descendants of Symond Fiske, lord of the manor of Stadhaugh, Suffolk County, England, from the time of Henry IV to date, including all the American members of the family.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:FISKE Family Papers
Description:FISKE Family Papers - 1000 Years of the FISK/FISKE Familes in Britain
Extra Info:Lots of information, in tables by first name, also lists information source.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials
Title:FLACK Genealogy and One Name Study
Description:FLACK Genealogy and One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:FOLKER One Name Study
Description:FOLKER One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:FOSKETT One Name Study
Description:FOSKETT One Name Study
Extra Info:Click on records for many FOSKETTs.
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:GANDER / GANDAR One Name Study
Description:GANDER / GANDAR One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:GINGELL One Name Study
Description:GINGELL One Name Study
Extra Info:A growing resiurce for the GINFELL one name study.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:GIRLING Family of Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex
Description:GIRLING Family of Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex
Extra Info:Click on Girling data for records.
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Obituaries, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:GOODERSON Family History
Description:GOODERSON Family History and One Name Study
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:GOODISON One Name Study
Description:GOODISON One Name Study
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:HADGRAFT One Name Study
Description:HADGRAFT One Name Study
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:HALSTED One Name Study
Description:HALSTED One Name Study
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:HAROLD Family
Description:HAROLD Family of Norfolk, Suffolk and London
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Obituaries, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:HICKMORE Archive
Description:HICKMORE Archive
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:HOLLINGWORTH One Name Study
Description:HOLLINGWORTH One Name Study
Extra Info:An archived copy of the site -most information still seems to be available. HOLLINGWORTH and variations.
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:HOLLYER, HOLYER and HOLLIER One Name Study
Description:HOLLYER, HOLYER and HOLLIER One Name Study
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:HORROCKS Genealogy
Description:HORROCKS Genealogy
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Deaths, DNA Project, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:HORSMAN & HORSEMAN One Name Study
Description:A One Name Study of Horsman, Horsman and Horsaman families
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:HUTCHINGS Family Website
Description:HUTCHINGS Family Website
Extra Info:Mainly HUTCHINGS in and around Sturminster Newton, Dorset, although transcriptions of all areas for census.
Classification:Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:JACOMB One Name Study
Description:JACOMB One Name Study
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is not currently active. May take a few moments to load. Most information appears to be available. Includes variants Jacomb, Jacombs, Jacombe, Jacom & Jacomb-Hood.
Classification:Banns, Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Description:JEBBETT/JEBBITT Genealogy
Extra Info:Lots of data categorised by year.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:JERMY Family of Norfolk and Suffolk
Description:JERMY Family of Norfolk and Suffolk
Classification:Census, One Name Study, War Memorials & Other Memorials
Title:JOSLIN Family Research
Description:JOSLIN Family Research
Extra Info:An archived copy of the site. FREE exchange of Joslin Family History World-Wide.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:KEELER Genealogy Website
Description:KEELER Genealogy Website
Classification:Births, Burials / Cremations, Burial Plots, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study
Title:KEMP(E) Family History
Description:A one-name study into the KEMP, KEMPE KEMPF, KEMPS, KEMPT, CAMP and CAMPE names
Extra Info:Worldwide research into the name and its variants.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is not active at present. Most information still seems to be available. Mainly in Oxfordshire. Also census for other towns in Buckinghamshire - all surnames.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:LARTER Family History
Description:LARTER Family History
Classification:Marriages, One Name Study, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Description:The Layzell and variants one name study
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:LEFEVER Surname Study
Description:LEFEVER Surname Study
Extra Info:Researching LeFever, LeFevre, LeFebvre, LeFebure and variants
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:LEVEY Family History and Genealogy
Description:LEVEY Family History and Genealogy
Extra Info:This is an archived copy of a site which is no longer active. Most of the parish registers and census information are still available.
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, Obituaries, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:LONGMORE Genealogy Resources
Description:LONGMORE Genealogy Resources
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is no longer active. Most information seems to be available, however it is slow to load.
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:LUCEY / LUCY Family History Records
Description:The site for everyone interested in researching the LUCEY and LUCY surname and their family history
Extra Info:Researching the surnames LUCEY & LUCY. From early sources in England & Ireland, some back as far as 1066.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Census, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:LUCY and LUCEY Genealogy
Description:LUCY and LUCEY Genealogy
Extra Info:LUCY and LUCEY's on the 1881 census, many births and marriages and more.
Classification:Census, One Name Study
Title:MADDEN Genealogical Pages
Description:MADDEN Genealogical Pages
Extra Info:Also name variants such as Maddon, Maden. Scroll down for Madden genealogy.
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:MAW Family
Description:MAW Family
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:MINTER One Name Study
Description:MINTER One Name Study
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:MUDDOCK One Name Study
Description:MUDDOCK One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:OLBY One Name Study
Description:OLBY One Name Study
Extra Info:Most, if not all, the Olby birth, marriage and death registrations in England and Wales are probably the descendants of Robert Olby and Francis Overed who married at St Andrew and St Peter, Blofield, NFK on 8th March 1790.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:OLLINGTON Family One Name Study
Description:OLLINGTON Family One Name Study
Extra Info:Also includes Hollington and Allington.
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:PASK / PASKE One Name Study
Description:PASK / PASKE One Name Study
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study
Title:PINCKNEY - The site for all UK PINCKNEYs
Description:PINCKNEY - The site for all UK PINCKNEYs and Variants
Extra Info:Includes references to Pinckey, Pinckine, Pinckney, Pincknye, Pincney, Pinkene, Pinken, Pinkeny, Pinkine, Pinkney.
Classification:Census, One Name Study, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:PLUCK and PLUCKROSE One Name Study
Description:PLUCK and PLUCKROSE One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:PLUCKROSE Name Website
Description:PLUCKROSE Name Website
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is no longer active. Most information still seems to be available.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:POULTON Web - Also MELLOR, WHITE, TWEED and Associated Families
Description:POULTON Web - Also MELLOR, WHITE, TWEED and Associated Families
Extra Info:Many names and places included on this site. The name index also indicates records for that name.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records
Title:POWIS Surname and variants One-name Study
Description:POWIS Surname and variants One-name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:PREECE One Name Study
Description:PREECE One Name Study
Extra Info:Mainly around Hereford, Worcester, Gloucester and Somerset areas
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:PRESANT Family History and One Name Study
Description:PRESANT Family History and One Name Study
Extra Info:Mainly around Norfolk.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Bishops Transcripts, Census, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Pedigrees
Title:PULFORD Family Genealogy Pages
Description:PULFORD Family Genealogy Pages
Extra Info:Look under Sources. The search facility is very useful.
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:PURSGLOVE One Name Study
Description:PURSGLOVE One Name Study
Extra Info:Includes variants such as Purseglove, Purslove, Purselove, Purssglove.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:RAMSDALE Family Register
Description:RAMSDALE Family Register
Extra Info:Includes variants Ramsdall, Ramsdal, Ramsdell, Ramsdill and Ramsdaille.
Classification:Births, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:RUSCOE Surname Website
Description:RUSCOE Family Genealogy
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:SACKETT Family Association
Description:SACKETT Family Association
Extra Info:Click on Research Databases for transcriptions.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Description:A Compilation of SERCOMBE Families
Extra Info:Scroll down to sources of information.
Classification:Burials / Cremations, Deaths, One Name Study
Description:SKIDMORE / SCUDAMORE One-Name Study
Extra Info:Includes Scudamore, Skidmore, Scidmore, Sidmore, Skidgmore, Skinmore, and Skitmore.
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Wills / Probate
Title:STEAD / STEED One Name Study
Description:STEAD / STEED One Name Study
Extra Info:All variants, including STEDE, STEADS, STEEDS etc.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, Monumental Inscriptions, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:STERRY One Name Study
Description:STERRY One Name Study
Extra Info:Includes extracts from civil registration, parish records and marriage licences.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials
Title:STONER Genealogical Databases
Description:STONER Genealogical Databases
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:STRANGE, STRAINGE and Variants One Name Study
Description:STRANGE and STRAINGE Family History
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:STRUDWICK One Name Study
Description:STRUDWICK One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:STYLES Family
Description:STYLES Family of Norfolk and Suffolk
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:SWANTON Family Records
Description:SWANTON Family Records
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:TUCKLEY Family Website
Description:TUCKLEY Family Website
Extra Info:Click on Tuckley Family Tree and scroll down for data files.
Classification:Births, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:WATLING One Name Study
Description:WATLING and variants research
Classification:Baptisms, Burials / Cremations, Census, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, War Memorials & Other Memorials, Wills / Probate
Title:WESTAWAY One Name Study
Description:WESTAWAY One Name Study
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site that is no longer active. Most information is still available to view.
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study
Title:WOODHURST One Name Study
Description:WOODHURST One Name Study
Classification:Baptisms, Births, Burials / Cremations, Census, Deaths, Marriages, One Name Study, Parish Records, Wills / Probate
Title:YEO One Name Study
Description:YEO One Name Study

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